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Preparing for a fully-converged audiovisual world report adopted

On 12 March, at the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg MEPs voted in favour of adopting ‘Towards a Fully-Converged Audiovisual World’, an Own Initiative report drafted by the EPP’s Sabine Verheyen. The adoption of the report demonstrates the Parliament’s openness to a review of the 2010 Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) which will adapt the regulatory framework to the internet age. This means that audiovisual content that is offered through the internet could get the same regulatory treatment in some areas as ‘traditional’ audiovisual services, such as linear television and radio.

“For the viewer, it is not clear which content is subject to European requirements. It is therefore necessary that the rights and obligations of broadcasters are brought to balance through a horizontal and cross-media regulatory framework with those of other market participants” Verheyen said after the report was adopted. She continued by highlighting that “the variety of cultural and audiovisual content on offer must also be accessible and findable in a convergent media world for all European citizens.”

The European Commission is currently in the process of discussing potential proposals as a follow up to the Commission Green Paper published last year. FIAD’s response to the consultation can be found here. The Own Initiative will inform these discussions.

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