Leading MEP says Member States missed an opportunity to support European audiovisual sector
FIAD welcomes the remarks made by MEP Smeriglio (S&D, IT) during the CULT Committee's exchange of views on the Opinion on the implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
MEP Smeriglio said in his intervention: "The AV sector was the most impacted by the pandemic: cinemas and live performances where closed and this crisis has expanded up to film distribution. Only few MS implemented targeted measures for the Audiovisual sector and this can be considered a missed opportunity."
FIAD fully subscribes to the statement made by MEP Smeriglio and emphasizes that the rhetoric of the Recovery and Resilience Facility does not match the reality on the ground. The Recovery and Resilience plans of the Member States have failed to take into account the needs of film distributors, who have suffered significant financial losses from the repeated lockdowns of cinemas.
This Report presents an ideal opportunity for the European Parliament to send a strong message that the Member States must consider the needs of film distributors – that play an integral role in Europe’s film ecosystem as they invest in and bring culturally diverse European films to audiences across Europe.
FIAD hopes that the CULT Committee crafts an Opinion that highlights that Recovery and Resilience Facility plans have failed to consider the needs of the entire audiovisual sector and that a holistic approach to supporting the film sector must be taken, more specifically the segments that have been most impacted, including the theatrical distribution and exhibition of films.